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7 #, 8 # bulk terminal the auxiliary construction zone project will hand over

Date:2012-06-05 12:43  PV:870

Sounded the horn of charge
— 7 #, 8 # bulk terminal the auxiliary construction zone project will hand over

   Located on the harbor basin the outside of of the A 7 #, 8 # bulk cargo wharf Voeux of engineering works, area in the building, in the the After the after the the the of hard construction of of the more than three months, has been close to the the the end of of the the overall engineering of, the finishing works of the currently under way the latter part of of the.

     7 #, 8 # bulk terminal the auxiliary construction zone engineering 1 #, 2 # Hangar, the subject has been fully completed, has completed the construction of the ground surface, indoor plumbing, electrical, construction is underway; 1 #, 2 # integratedthe main part of the library has been completed, the end of the ground surface construction, has completed 50% of the bulk water immediately part of the construction of the remaining bulk water, indoor plumbing, electrical construction has already begun; 1 # library header housing exterior wall construction has been completed, the end of the # 2 the library header House interior wall plastering, has begun construction of interior decoration, the next step for exterior wall construction, wall tiling is expected in June 10 all over

     7 # 8 # bulk terminal and auxiliary construction zone construction sixth project, from the project start facing the early winter to start construction, special location every day to face the harsh environment of ash and blowing sand, this spring water intrusionresulting in the difficult conditions of the construction site difficult. The sixth project department, to overcome the difficulties, finally saw a gorgeous rainbow after the storm.


Tel:0417-6251997  Address: Part B of Green Industrial Park at Ba Yuquan Yingkou in Liaoning Province.